SPOMigration Retrying due to error -2130246326

Recently we've been investigating the use of the SharePoint Online Migration API.

We noticed when deleting and recreated lists to re-migrate data we would re-run a migration using 
  • ConvertTo-SPOMigrationTargetedPackage
  • Set-SPOMigrationPackageAzureSource
  • Submit-SPOMigrationJob 
But the jobs would fail. With a not so handy error of:

"SPOMigration Retrying due to error -2130246326"

Another error code I've seen for the same problem, with the items already in SharePoint is -2146233079

After a lot of digging - if the items aren't cleared out of the site completely (first and second stage recycle bins) then they won't go back in.  Most likely down to duplicate items with the same GUIDs - duh!

We've had to wait up to an hour after clearing the recycle bins out before we can re-migrate the data, so give it some time.

Hope it helps!


  1. This is exactly what is happening omg. Thank you for posting this.


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